Given October is Domestic Violence Awareness month in the US, we offer this book review by Jackie Burke, long term member of ISSTD, a psychologist in private practice in Sydney Australia, and Adjunct Fellow at Western Sydney University. Published last year, Jess Hill’s book, See What You Made Me Do: Power, Control and Domestic Abuse […]
Volunteer Opportunity Spotlight
Volunteer Opportunity Spotlight – October 2020
This month’s Volunteer Position Spotlight shines on the International Spotlight Coordinator with the ISSTD News! International Spotlight is a regular quarterly feature which focuses on the trauma and dissociation field in a particular country around the world. This is an exciting chance to liaise with trauma and dissociation specialists from around the world. ISSTD News […]
Letter From The President
September 2020 – Strategic Direction of ISSTD
Dear fellow ISSTD Members, At this time of the year the ISSTD Board of Directors is working on a strategy for the direction in which ISSTD could grow over the next three years. As any professional organization is really its members, one of our primary concerns is to foster an engaged, welcoming and inclusive community […]
News You Can Use
News You Can Use
ISSTD Member Launches New Embodied Antiracism Training ISSTD Member Francesca Maxime is offering a 5-week embodied antiracism online course through launching in October. This course is the brain-child of Francesca and has been a year in the making. Francesca says, “In my own personal journey as a Haitian-Dominican Italian-American multiethnic woman, it was my […]
2021 Annual Conference
Update: 2021 ISSTD Annual Conference Moves to Virtual & Call for Proposals Reopened
Over the last several months, the ISSTD Board of Directors and the Annual Conference Committee have been monitoring the situation with COVID-19. The safety of our attendees and presenters is our utmost priority. Due to the continued uncertainty regarding a vaccine and international travel, we have decided to transition the 2021 ISSTD Annual Conference to […]
Students & Emerging Professionals
Emerging Professional Member Develops a Unique Form of Therapeutic Reading
ISSTD SEP member, Australian therapist, Lowen Clarke has developed a unique form of therapeutic reading based on bi-lateral eye movements. In this interview I get a chance to explore this with him. CC: It sounds like you have a very eclectic background. Can you tell us about your journey to becoming a trauma expert? LC: […]
Community Spotlight
Student and Emerging Professionals Committee Update
It has been another exciting year for our Student and Emerging Professionals (SEP) Committee. We know that everyone is working hard to maintain strength and sanity during some difficult times worldwide. We’d like to offer our courage and support to all Students and Emerging Professionals out there! We know you work hard and are so […]
Publications of Interest
Intimate Partner Violence
Each quarter ISSTD News endeavors to focus POI on recently published articles which are timely and relevant to community discourse. With October being Domestic Violence Awareness Month in many countries, this POI will focus on recent publications exploring issues related to intimate partner violence (a more modern phrase than Domestic Violence, and one that captures […]
Students & Emerging Professionals
Emerging Professional Member Challenges Racialized Trauma: An Interview with Francesca Maximé
CC: Hi Francesca. Can you start by telling us a bit about yourself and the work that you do? FM: I’m a Haitian-Dominican Italian-American trauma-informed somatic psychotherapist, mindfulness teacher, antiracism educator, and relational life coach. I work with adults, couples, groups and organizations/leadership teams to understand how our neural programming, early caregiver experiences, adaptive attachment […]
Volunteer Opportunity Spotlight
Volunteer Opportunity Spotlight – September 2020
Are you passionate about clinician/researcher self-care and wellness? If so, this may be the right fit for you! This month, the volunteer opportunity spotlight shines on an opportunity to volunteer with the ISSTD’s Vicarious Trauma Special Interest Group (SIG). The Vicarious Trauma SIG focuses on building awareness and deepening the understanding of the impact of […]