Dear fellow ISSTD Members, I hope things are still going well with everyone. In the last few months there have been several committee developments in ISSTD, which will hopefully spur ISSTD to even greater heights. On the financial side, an overarching Grants Committee will oversee the work of the sub-committees that disburse specific ISSTD funds. […]
News You Can Use
News You Can Use – August 2020
Restoring the Shattered Self: Second Edition Now Available Christian Trauma Counsellors find themselves straddling two worlds: they need to be both psychologically informed and trained, while also cognisant of their faith and that of their clients. Many find they need specialist training and literature to support them in this. ISSTD Member, Heather Davediuk Gingrich has […]
Call for Nominations for 2021 Board of Directors
This time every year the ISSTD seeks out engaged, energetic, and creative members who would like to be nominated for the positions available on the Board of Directors. These positions allow members to move into a leadership role and stamp their own ideas and vision on the ISSTD through direct engagement with other Board members […]
Training & Education
ISSTD Receives ASWB Accreditation
The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation has been approved as an Association of Social Work Boards Approved Continuing Education (ACE) Provider. This approval allows ISSTD to offer ACE credits for social workers participating in ISSTD courses, webinars, and virtual conferences. For information about available credits for specific trainings, please see the […]
Board Briefs
Your Quarterly Board Update
As we move through this unusual period, The ISSTD has responded by sharpening our focus on a greater global need to address disenfranchised communities who are affected by trauma. Trauma can involve race, religion, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geographic location and other facets of our humanity. We are answering the call to step up in […]
2021 Annual Conference
Reminder: ISSTD 2021 Annual Conference Call for Proposals Open Now!
Call for proposals is open now for The World Congress on Intergenerational Trauma! Join ISSTD in Lousiville, KY next April for the 38th Annual Conference. Submissions for the conference are being accepted through September 15, 2020. We highly encourage presenters to submit proposals related to the conference theme of Intergenerational Trauma. We will offer 3-hour […]
Training & Education
Launch of New Professional Training Program Course
After a number of years in production, ISSTD is pleased to announce the launch of the Professional Training Program (PTP) Level III course, “Advanced Topics in Complex Trauma and Dissociative Disorders”. Course Directors Su Baker and Joan Turkus will be offering the first edition of this new course this October. Participants wishing to enroll in […]
Community Spotlight
Finance Committee
Hello again from ISSTD’s Finance Committee! It’s hard to believe that yet another year has passed since my last update. I am pleased to share with you where we’ve been over the past year and where we’re headed in 2021 and beyond. When I wrote this column last August, I said we’d be doing the […]
Volunteer Spotlight
Dr. Heather Hall
Today our volunteer spotlight shines on Heather Hall, MD. Dr. Hall works as a psychiatrist and has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2017. She has served on the Scientific Committee since 2017 and the Annual Conference Committee since 2016, including serving as their Chair since 2019. Most recently, Dr. Hall and […]
Letter From The President
July 2020 – Update from the Board
Dear fellow ISSTD Members, I hope things are going well with everyone under the circumstances. Even in these difficult times, the ISSTD Board has been hard at work to support all of ISSTD’s operations. In-between launching our various virtual events, the Board has also been working to update existing policies and to develop new policies […]