The ISSTD Board is a busy group of members who meet every month for 90 minutes, to oversee the activities of the Society and drive many projects to help our Society grow and develop. Here are some of the newest developments. The Board has been overseeing our regional and annual conference program planning, to continue […]
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation
Two Important Opportunities for Publication in the JTD!
CALL FOR PAPERS Trauma, Advocacy, and Social Movements A Special Issue of the Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Special Issue Guest Editors: Joan Cook, Alec Smidt, and Alexis Adams-Clark Deadline for Submissions: December 1st, 2018 The list of major societal ills is long — racism, poverty, gender discrimination, homelessness, domestic violence, sexual assault, hate crimes, […]
ISSTD Looking to Establish Three New SIGs
ISSTD Special Interest Groups (SIGs) provide ISSTD members with information and support targeted to specific areas within the trauma and dissociation field. Developed by members, for members, they are open to all ISSTD Members who share that interest. Members of our current SIGs report finding these forums a valuable source of education, information and collegiate […]
Creative Space
Seeking Works on Self Care and Expressive Arts
Creative Space is a new place for members to express their creative selves and share some of their work. For our next feature we are seeking submissions from therapists who use the expressive arts as a way of self care. Whether you write poetry, paint, draw, sculpt, collage, take photos or use any other creative […]
Community Spotlight
Member Engagement Committee
The ISSTD would not have been born, nor would it survive, without its member-volunteers! Currently co-chaired by Logan Larson and Lisa Danylchuk, what used to be known as the Volunteer Committee has recently been “rebranded”. Now, known as the Member Engagement Committee, the group is dedicated to helping members find their place within the ISSTD. […]
Regional Conferences
New Regional Conference in Hobart, Australia Planned for September 2018!
In a first for both ISSTD and Australia, an exciting regional conference on Complex Traumatic Stress Disorder (CTSD) will be held in Hobart, Tasmania in September 2018. This regional conference will be in workshop format and will be presented by ISSTD members and complex trauma experts, Dr. Joan Haliburn and Dr. Jan Ewing. Delivered over […]
Focus on ISSTD History
Obituary for Giovanni Liotti (27.3.45 – 9.4.18)
Giovanni Liotti, who sadly passed away in April 2018, was one of the fathers of cognitive psychotherapy in Italy, founder and past president of the Italian Society of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy and prominent scholar of traumatic dissociation. Gianni (to friends and colleagues) used to describe himself as a “pied noire” because he was born […]
Volunteer Spotlight
Volunteer Opportunities for ISSTD News
Wanting to hone those writing skills? Ever wanted to co-ordinate a regular feature of a publication? ISSTD News is looking for assistance from members who want to be engaged in helping this rapidly developing publication continue to flourish. Opportunities to Co-ordinate a Feature Feature Coordinators, with the support and direction of the ISSTD News Editor […]
International Spotlight
Trauma and Dissociation Work in South Africa
My “news” on trauma work in South Africa includes a brief picture of the current situation, with reference to some of my own experiences and work in the field of trauma counselling. South Africa is a country with a history of political violence and politically related trauma as well as trauma resulting from challenging socio-economic […]
Letter From The President
On Responding to the Need for Greater Diversity within ISSTD
One of the important events at our annual conference is the “Town Hall Meeting”. This is an opportunity for everyone attending to comment on the state of our Society and the field of traumatology in general. This is an opportunity to comment on where we are going and where we would like to be. This […]