The ISSTD Membership Committee is co-chaired by Warwick Middleton and Adah Sachs. The Membership Committee’s primary roles are to develop and sustain membership in ISSTD, to assist colleagues in finding their way to membership of the ISSTD, and once they are members to assist them in identifying solid reasons for maintaining their membership. The Committee […]
Regional Conferences
Regional Conference Recap – Denver
The Denver Regional Conference, held on 8 September, was well-attended by an enthusiastic group of professionals who spanned all disciplines. Steve Frankel, ISSTD’s resident attorney and clinical psychologist, spent the morning speaking about his core concepts of treating complex trauma and dissociative disorders, relating DID organization to the Warsaw Ghetto. His many examples and lively […]
Members Clinical Corner
Multigenerational Dissociation: A Framework for Building Narrative
In the following commentary, Deirdre Kramer offers a fascinating account of Sally McCollum’s compelling narrative approach to the healing of multigenerational dissociation. Noting that intergenerational transmission of trauma `features significantly in the therapy room’, and referencing the themes of betrayal blindness, reenactment, and revictimization, Deirdre discusses McCollum’s powerful work with the great grand-daughter of the […]
Volunteer Spotlight
Volunteer Spotlight: Tally Tripp, Founder of the Creative Arts Therapies SIG
Tell us a bit about yourself I am a licensed clinical social worker and a board-certified, registered art therapist in private practice in Alexandria VA. My interest in working with people affected by trauma has its roots in my art therapy training some 35 years ago. Back then we didn’t talk about “trauma” the way […]
News You Can Use
News You Can Use – September 2017
New Book by Philip Kinsler Complex Psychological Trauma: The Centrality of Relationship ISSTD Fellow and past President of ISSTD, Dr. Philip Kinsler has written a book which he describes as ‘forty years in the making’. This is a book which aims to take clinicians beyond the standard approaches for treating PTSD. As the title suggests, […]
News You Can Use
Congratulations to Bethany Brand, PhD on Winning Major Award
Towson University professor, and ISSTD Fellow, Bethany Brand, Ph.D has been recognized with the highest level of research award granted by the University of Maryland System Board, the Regents Faculty Award for Research. This award acknowledges Bethany’s important research contributions to the study of dissociative disorders and is a well-deserved recognition for Bethany and her […]
2018 Annual Conference
Pre-Conference Workshops Set for the 2018 Annual Conference
22-26 March 2018 Palmer House Hilton Hotel Chicago, IL Plans for the 35th Annual International Conference are taking shape. In 2018, we return to Chicago to stay at the historic and beautiful Palmer House Hotel. In a previous issue of the Newsletter, we told you about our exciting plenary speakers; Robert Neimeyer, Edward Tick […]
ALL DAY Webinar: Ritualistic and Organised Abuse
On Friday 6 October (USA EDT) ISSTD will hold its first ever all-day webinar. This webinar will focus on the complex area of ritualistic, religious, spiritual and organised abuse. The webinar will be presented by leading international thinkers and practitioners in this field. The day will be opened by leading British child, adolescent and adult […]
Letter From The President
Exploring new ‘Frontiers’ in the treatment of dissociative disorders
Dear ISSTD Colleagues, We stand on the verge of a historic moment for the ISSTD. Very soon we will launch our long awaited, much anticipated and rigorously toiled-over E-Journal, Frontiers in the Psychotherapy of Trauma and Dissociation. Four years after the birth of ISSTD in 1984, the Society began to publish the iconic journal DISSOCIATION: […]
2018 Annual Conference
2018 Annual Conference News – Registration Now Open & Call for Proposals Deadline EXTENDED to September 20!
Registration is now open for the ISSTD 35th Annual International Conference. March 22 – 26, 2018 at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL! You will now select the number of days you wish to attend and specify those days during the online registration process. This has helped us lower many of our conference rates […]