The Volunteer Spotlight for the March quarter focuses on well-known ISSTD Member, Dr Warwick Middleton. Warwick has been a generous volunteer in ISSTD over many years and in a variety of roles. He has been a Board Member and Past President of ISSTD. He is currently Co-chair of the Membership Committee. He is also an […]
Volunteer Opportunity Spotlight
Volunteer Opportunity Spotlight: Caul Award Sub-Committee
This month’s Volunteer Position Spotlight shines on the opportunity to join the David Caul Graduate Research Fund Sub-Committee! This is an incredible opportunity to support graduate students fund and develop research on complex trauma and dissociation and requires minimal commitment on the part of the volunteer. The ISSTD’s David Caul Graduate Research Fund is a […]
Letter From The President
Cultural Differences in Dissociative Disorder Presentations
March 5 is DID Awareness Day and we will be having articles on the topic in this month’s ISSTD Newsletter, as well as a webinar being held for the public on March 4 (March 5 in Australia/New Zealand). Please join us! It is only fitting that this month we attend to the Cultural differences in […]
News You Can Use
News You Can Use
Welcome to ISSTD’s New Members in February! Professional MembersKelly Haines AguirreNorman AngFrancesca BantiPaula BemisRatesha BerthierDebbie BlackmonKaren BucklandCarolyn Kay ColwellPamela CosperCarolyn Elyse CoulsonHeather FiteThomas FulbrookPatricia HunterAlyosha JacobsonJohn KearneyNora B KrauseAllison LeeMalyssa MayStephanie McGheeSharon SternAlexandra Sydenham BennettLisa UlrichAnnelaure VuillermozAngela Williams Emerging Professional MembersAnees BenferhatKim LennonJessica LyonJordanna NashRebecca Ray Student MembersBernie BishopJennifer CaplanAnushka FonsekaChristie IribarrenAnne Marie SalvaneraMargaret SienkowskiLivia […]
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation
JTD Table of Contents (February 2021)
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Check out the entire library online of the Journal of Trauma & Dissociation – your member benefit – now! Table of ContentsVolume 22, Issue 1Volume 22, Issue 2Volume 21, Issue 3Volume 21, Issue 4Volume 21, Issue 5 Are you interested in auto publication alerts?To set up a quick and each way to get […]
DID Awareness Day
Dissociative Identity Disorder Individuals: Societal Threat or Societal Victim?
In recent years, Hollywood film producers have caught the attention of many medical professionals and survivors of Dissociative Identity Disorders with films such as Split (2017) and a related movie, Glass (2019). These and other films portray individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) as violent human beings. These films are creating more of a stigma […]
2021 Annual Conference
Social Events at the ISSTD 2021 Annual Conference!
Tired of staring at your laptop? Wondering if the wifi is going to go out during your next telehealth session? Unsure if you’ll ever feel kindly towards your screen again? Well, here’s a chance to have fun with your screen – The ISSTD Annual Conference has a number of social events planned to enhance your […]
Trauma & Dissociation in the News
Between the screen and the mask: on life and teletherapy in the time of the pandemic
This article first appeared in Attachment New Direction in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, December, 2020 (issue 14/2). Reprinted with the kind permission of Phoenix Publishing House. Abstract: The unexpected appearance of the deadly coronavirus that landed on our doorstep has hit us from left field. For a while the boundaries between my personal life and […]
DID Awareness Day
Reflections on Living with DID
I am writing this article as a survivor of complex trauma and a sufferer of DID, both of which are inextricably married. Through my writing, I wish to honour all those with the disorder and to celebrate their survival because of it. Despite the controversy that DID continues to court, I hope this article will […]
Volunteer Opportunity Spotlight
Volunteer Opportunity Spotlight: Fridley Fund Seeks Committee Member
This month’s Volunteer Position Spotlight shines on an opportunity to join the Fridley Fund Sub-Committee! This is an incredible opportunity to support emerging professionals to access ongoing training opportunities that may otherwise be inaccessible. This opportunity also requires minimal commitment on the part of the volunteer! The ISSTD’s Fridley Fund is a sub-committee of the […]