Breaking the Silence of Incest ISSTD Fellow, and past ISSTD President, Professor Warwick Middleton has joined with award winning journalist Tracey Shelton on some ground-breaking reporting, which is breaking the silence that still surrounds incest. Tracey has previously been awarded the ISSTD Media Award (Written) in acknowledgment of her work investigating and reporting issues related […]
Goodwin Fund
Goodwin Fund Application Period Open December 7 – January 10
In this challenging time, ISSTD is pleased to offer opportunities for funding assistance for ISSTD Trainings. The Goodwin Educational Fund is accepting applications from members and non-members to defray the cost of one training activity offered through ISSTD. Goodwin Educational FundThe Goodwin Educational Fund will be used to defray the cost of one training activity […]
Call for Proposals Open for Outside Conferences!
As part of ISSTD’s 2021-2023 Strategic Plan, we want to support you to spread the knowledge of trauma and dissociation at other conferences! In order to facilitate this goal ISSTD will be periodically sharing information about open call for proposals for submissions at other conferences in the field. Below please find information about submissions that […]
Creative Space
Poet’s Corner
This month I asked our resident Poets to contribute something for ISSTD News. I received such generous and diverse responses that it was hard to pick just three. Warwick Middleton’s poignant poem explores the discovery that an old friend has been a victim of domestic violence. Ericha Hitchcock Scott explores themes of strength in ‘BackBone […]
Community Spotlight
Professional Training Program Update
The Professional Training Program (PTP), chaired by Sandra Bouabjian, coordinates ISSTD’s PTP curriculum and course offerings. The PTP includes multiple courses, at varying levels, which have been designed, updated, and re-designed by many dedicated volunteers. We have moved with the times, embraced online technology, and have gone from teaching just face-to-face classes to predominantly live […]
Community Spotlight
Fundraising Committee
ISSTD’s success as a major international organization is driven by our small and amazing staff, as well as the many volunteer hours our members have given creating conferences, special interest groups, publications, webinars, trainings and more. Membership dues and conference fees cover a large portion of the cost of ISSTD’s myriad offerings. But there’s so much […]
Special Interest Groups
Transitional Aged Youth SIG
The Transitional Aged Youth Special Interest Group (TAY SIG) has had a great third year in ISSTD. I continue to chair the SIG, and we were joined by Shelley Hua as our Moderator and Kate Hoover as our Secretary. I created and presented a training called Working with Dissociation in Emerging Adults/Transitional Aged Youth at […]
Letter From The President
Groupthink: Inevitable Barrier of Clinical Authenticity, Creativity, and Curiosity
What does Groupthink have to do with Domestic Violence, trauma bonding-trance, coercive control, or October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month? October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, reminds us of the hidden aspects of this crime, historically supported by public indifference, social misinformation, and the attractive and applauded, yet often detrimental Groupthink perspective. And while being agreeable generates […]
News You Can Use
News You Can Use
New book explores why shame matters This month sees the launch of an exciting new book exploring a topic our clients often bring to therapy: shame. The book “Shame Matters, Attachment and Relational Perspectives for Psychotherapists”, is edited by Orit Badouk Epstein, (Routledge, 2021). Produced by the Bowlby Centre in the UK, this monograph is […]
ISSTD Needs Your Feedback – Share Your Member and Volunteer Experiences
Want to gain free access to Webinars? Complete our member/volunteer survey! All members and volunteers are invited to take this opportunity! We are working with the Stillman Business School of Seton Hall University to conduct a member/volunteer survey to identify the needs of our members and volunteers and how to engage more members in the […]