Research Recruitment

On No-Man Land: Perspectives from healthcare professionals on the impact of loneliness on dissociation as a coping mechanism

All articles requesting research participation must be approved by the ISSTD Board prior to posting. This proposal was approved by the ISSTD Board in July 2020.

Mirit Agaiby is a Master Student in Psychology at the University of Liverpool. They are doing a research that has a focus on dissociative disorders in clinical psychology and are looking for input from mental healthcare professionals for this research.

What is the study about?

I am interested in knowing if there is a relationship between loneliness and dissociation. Can loneliness trigger a vulnerable individual into dissociating to be able to cope with this feeling?

What will happen if you decide to take part?

  • I will send you a Participant Information Sheet with more details about the study/steps
  • If still interested, you will sign a consent form, allowing me to interview you
  • I will agree on a time with you and get in touch with 10-13 questions.

When? How Long?

Anytime you choose (before September 2020). The interview won’t take more than 30-45 mins.


Online using Zoom. Participation is completely anonymous, and you can withdraw at any time if you change your mind.There are no compensations.

Have questions? Or you want to sign up?

Please contact Mirit Agaiby at