Creative Space

Creative Space

The Arts chose me at the age of 37 when she compelled me to leave a career as an international tax advisor. I was completing my second degree, this one in law, when the calling came and I dropped out with 1 year to go and started a career in the arts. I still don’t understand it, but here I am 23 years later, art making, creator of many different types of workshops, therapist, coach, author and at the beginning of a new chapter in my life once more. More about that later. I am writing this about myself as a way of connecting with you, the reader. I don’t want to remain anonymous or known as that person who curates the Creative Space column you are reading. The intention behind this column is to create a space of belonging through the lens of our creative practice lenses. Engaging in art-making practices is our personal prescription to healing self and others. I invite you to engage with me via email and send through anything which is part of your creative practice, that you feel I can publish. This issue is a CALL AND RESPONSE contribution. I asked Dr Jan Ewing to respond to the wonderous and magical pottery creations of Rosita Cortizo entitled Earth, Water, Air. And the poetry of Dr Jan Ewing in response to Rosita’s Earth Water Air.

Misshapen Inside and out You moulded me With pain

Mistreated Day in and out You left behind Your stain

Survival In silence I shout My shape I will Retain

Jan Ewing

Its your turn now! Do you write poetry or prose? Do you paint or doodle? Collage or anything else? I would like to keep this thread going for the next edition and invite you too, to respond to Rosita’s art work in any way you wish and send me your contribution directly to my email as above. Until next time Keep inspired! Noula Diamantopoulos