Category: Creative Space

Creative Space

Poet’s Corner

malaise unmaskedBy George Halasz my story began before my birthbefore becoming self awareunable to self reflect, before metaphorI could not distinguish my depressionfrom free fall into deep regression I glimpsed between your piercing glancesinvisible circumstances emergedenmeshed threads of resentmentbetween love entwined, co-dependence our life-journey aligned through troughs of illusionfinally grief ruptured our bonds, after shockI […]

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Creative Space

Poet’s Corner

Lost and Found through GriefBy George Halasz I reassured myself, if I prepare well enoughI reassured myself, if I rehearse my reactionsI reassured myself, I might lessen the anticipated piercing painthe moment which will catch my breath, my mother’s death. For many weeks before I lived my life on probationhovering beween privation I learnt to […]

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Creative Space

Poet’s Corner, October 2023

Nowheresville How can I regulate my extreme sense of alienation,witnessing unfiltered sobs of my mother’s demise,can we bridge our mutual privation? Overwhelmed, I barely flinched, my eyes drained drymy energy spent, of course, next day, I smiled ‘Hi’. I resumed my stylised plight breath after breath,sliding from shame to self-blame, crevices melded intorupturing nightmares, night […]

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Creative Space

Song 54: The Forest

Languid branches above, cool air below, A path in the forest – so much to know… Ageless trees growing to the sky, You can speak to the dimness and the birds reply, You can speak to the dimness and the birds reply… Unshackled, his soul struggled to find any grounding limits. His mind became filled […]

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Creative Space

ISSTD NEWS Celebrates World Poetry Day, 2023

March 21 is World Poetry Day. On the UNESCO website for the day, poetry is described as a vitally important and universal form of cultural expression: “Practiced throughout history – in every culture and on every continent – poetry speaks to our common humanity and our shared values, transforming the simplest of poems into a […]

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Creative Space

Poetry: Birthing

not yet knowing where your body endsand mine begins, I need your playto make amendsto re-pair our self-fractured dividends again, I listen to your curative narrative I insert myself between your gestured silenceto relive shared stresses, endless violence within and without, we’re urgently buffeted between unspoken sensationsor floundering in each other’s treacherous privations eventually we […]

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Creative Space

The Secret

The drummers drum and the writers scroll, We avert our gaze, yet risk our soul… Humanity owns the rising toll… Our leaders lament, as poets search for the words that fit… A silent crime, but no one murmurs, for truth is split… Yet buried in the far corners of hidden shame, It is the fragile […]

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Creative Space

Penny Goes to Church on Sunday

Show me a story without lossand one which deals with pride without the cautiousnessof shame.  Rich with poverty she could not recall her life before high school. On Sundays the church bellsregistered the pain of the sinners,those blameless children, fondled by cherish leaders,they could not evade the punishment they proposed. In therapy,unfolding the secret of the past,her origami […]

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