Research Recruitment

Seeking research participants who have experienced trauma for a study on social reactions to trauma disclosure

My name is Will Ewing, and I am a counseling psychology doctoral student at Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI). I am seeking participants to complete a study on their experiences talking about their trauma to others. I am recruiting participants who are 18 years or older, have experienced a trauma in their lifetime, are able to read and respond and English, and have access to a computer with an Internet connection. In order to obtain a representative sample, I am looking for trauma survivors of all races, ethnicities, ages, socioeconomic statuses, gender identities, sexual orientations, religions, etc. If you or someone you know fits the criteria for this study, please consider participating! Participants may choose to enter a cash-prize raffle (participation in survey not required to enter raffle).  Entries may be earned by completing or partially completing the provided research survey, OR by completing and submitting an official entry form by December 1st, 2024. For entry rules and entry options click here.

Growth after trauma is positive change experienced as a result of the struggle with highly challenging life circumstances. The results of this study will help us better understand how talking about trauma with others may help survivors grow from their traumatic experiences. 

Participation in the study includes completing an informed consent form, a demographic form, and around 100 other questions about your experiences talking about your trauma to others, as well as your wellbeing following your trauma. This study will take around 20-35 minutes to complete. It is important to note that many of the questions regard experiences of trauma, which could be upsetting to some participants. 

Participants will not be asked to provide their name or any other identifying information. Each participant will be automatically assigned a random ID number, and all data will be de-identified and sent directly to the principal investigator. This de-identified data will be kept confidential, and stored in a secure location in a password-protected file on a password-protected computer. Only the principal investigator and the dissertation chair will be able to access the de-identified data. All information shared in the study will be kept confidential. 

This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of Marquette University.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please click on the link below to be taken directly to the survey. If you know someone else who may be interested in participating, please give them this advertisement. 

Survey Link:

If you have questions about the study, please feel free to email me at:

Thank you for considering this request!

William Ewing, MA [researcher to contact for participation]
Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
Marquette University

Milwaukee, WI 53201

Lynne Knobloch-Fedders, PhD [dissertation advisor]

Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
Marquette University

Milwaukee, WI 53201

Please Note: All articles requesting research participation must be approved by the ISSTD Scientific Committee prior to posting. This proposal has been approved by the ISSTD Scientific Committee in January 2024.