Letter From The President

October 2020 – Revised ISSTD Membership Categories

Dear fellow ISSTD Members,

The ISSTD Board recently approved some changes to the ISSTD membership categories. In addition to these changes, the Board has elected not to raise membership fees in 2021 as the COVID-19 situation continues.

The most important of these is the implementation of a NEW Emeritus Membership category. The Emeritus category was previously voted on and approved by the Board, but the implementation thereof had to wait until ISSTD had the capacity for its administration. This is the only free membership category and is open to those who are at least 80 years old and who have 25 years of continuous ISSTD membership. The print version of the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation comes at an optional extra fee.

Changes to the other existing membership categories include: Student membership is open to anyone enrolled – at any post-secondary level – in a course of study related to mental health. Student Members shall be required to show proof of student or intern/trainee status each year.

Emerging Professional membership is open to those in the first 3 years of their career. Emerging Professional Members are required to show proof of Emerging Professional status each year.

The language at full Professional Membership was refined and tightened, without resulting in any current members not meeting the criteria. Professional Membership is open to professionals primarily involved in the provision of services, research, education or public policy in an area related to trauma and dissociation.

Retired membership was expanded to allow for those who are at least 65 years of age and have paid dues to the Society for 10 or more years, and who are working less than 10 hours a week in clinical work, consultation, or teaching. This expansion was added to meet the needs of our current retired members.

A big thank you to the Membership Committee who assisted in updating and fine-tuning these membership categories

Members in ALL categories must act in accordance with the Code of Conduct. Linking in with the Code of Conduct, additional information will be required of Members at the time of joining or annual membership renewal – please bear with the process every year. For ALL membership categories, good standing must be demonstrated with the Member’s professional regulatory authority / professional board / employer or employing institution / registration body, or in the case of Student Members, with their university / training institution. Professional Members will be required to provide their licensing details on an annual basis when renewing their ISSTD membership. Even non-clinical professionals must be able to demonstrate good standing by some third-party institution, even if there is no clinical licensing board to which they are accountable. Retired or prospective Emeritus Members must also be able to demonstrate each year, that they remain in good standing with their current or previous professional regulatory authority.

The support that ISSTD has been giving to Members because of the COVID-19 situation will extend throughout next year. Starting with anyone renewing in January, Members will have a 60 day grace period applicable through the whole of 2021 due to the continued situation with COVID-19. We will also have another application period for the COVID-19 Support Campaign before the end of this year, which provides a $100 credit towards membership renewal for those experiencing financial hardship.

ISSTD’s membership is continuing to grow steadily and currently stands at around 1600 Members. Thank you for everyone’s timely renewal! If you are in doubt about when to renew, please send an email to to enquire.

Take care and stay safe,

Christa Krüger, ISSTD President, Pretoria, South Africa