Letter From The President

ISSTD Regional Conferences

As I have written in the past, ISSTD has grown into a multi-faceted professional society with a wide range of projects and initiatives happening simultaneously. I believe a good example of this is the notification that registration has opened for our Regional Conference in Washington, DC, on October 25-26 at The Hilton, Arlington, with the theme, Subjugation, Mind Control and Cultural Betrayal: Attachment Healing through Relational Connection. Our presenters will be: Daniel Shaw, speaking on the concepts of the traumatizing narcissist and the impact they have on individuals; Richard Loewenstein, discussing transference and countertransference issues in DID treatment, with an emphasis upon traumatic and mind control transference; and Jennifer Gomez, speaking about within-group violence to Black women and employing Cultural Betrayal Trauma Theory to guide treatment.

This conference, almost a year in the making, is a result of many collaborative efforts. The conference was conceived by the members of the Virtual and Regional Conference Committee (VRCC) in concert with the Mid-Atlantic Regional Online Committee (ROC), and consistently supported by ISSTD Staff. When planning regional conferences, the VRCC initially analyzes the geographical regions and identifies those areas where there is an active ROC to help with the conference development, marketing and management. Once a location is determined, potential presenters are identified and secured, and an appropriate venue is reserved. Abstracts and continuing education materials are then assembled. Finally, the regional conference is announced and marketed. This is a genuine collaborative effort with the VRCC, an ROC, staff, and presenters.

Please join us, if you can, at the Washington, DC, Regional Conference in October.

Peter Maves, President