Category: Committee Update

Committee Update

Member Engagement Committee Update

Happy June ISSTDWorld! Thanks for stopping by and taking a minute to find out what the Member Engagement Committee has been up to for the last while. The goal of the ISSTD’s Member Engagement Committee has been to work alongside other ISSTD Committees, Special Interest Groups, Taskforces, and the Board of Directors to identify volunteer […]

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Committee Update

Scientific Committee Update

The Scientific Committee serves as the executive committee of the scientific area of ISSTD – advising the Board and other committees on all matters of science, research, and further development of theory and clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of complex trauma and dissociative disorders.  We are involved in all strategic endeavors and […]

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Committee Update

ISSTD Membership Committee Report

The lifeblood of any organisation is its membership. The questions facing any organisation include – how do we most effectively connect with those who would be motivated to join those who are already working within the organisation, to further its goals? In our particular case, how do we, as a group of professionals, make working […]

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Committee Update

Committee Update: Public Health Committee

The Public Health Committee, co-chaired by Michael Salter and Heather Hall, is seeking to expand the reach of the ISSTD into the public sector to address the social determinants of complex trauma. This committee originated as a Public Health Subcommittee back in 2018 and it became a full-fledged committee in 2020. The impetus for the […]

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Committee Update

Committee Update: Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee has had an active year. We have worked on creating specific regular fundraising actions that will target each individual fund for the ISSTD. This is a practice that we will continue to expand upon during the next few years. We have created a letter writing campaign that addresses the need to collect […]

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Committee Update

Committee Update: The Public Health Committee

The Public Health Committee was formed in 2021 and grew out of a Board of Directors task force that Michael Salter and Heather Hall spearheaded. The primary deliverable of the task force was to write a paper on the public health implications of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We are happy to report that goal […]

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