Letter From The President

Back-to-School with ISSTD

Dearest ISSTD Community, 

As we step into the fall here in the US and the back-to-school feeling is in the air, the ISSTD educational offerings are picking up in suit. We have numerous opportunities approaching to learn and gather in community, both online and in person.

On September 8th, the in-person Regional Conference in New York City kicks off with a full-day presentation from Richard Loewenstein, who will introduce of the framework to the new ISSTD Adult Treatment Guidelines. The second day features Lou Himes, Eva Young, and Faige Flakser, presenting three 90-minute workshops on Shame, Children & Adolescents, and those identifying as LGBTQIAA+. The conference concludes with in an “Ask Anything” session, where participants can ask question and discuss issues in an open-ended, non-recorded space.

Just one month later, beginning Friday October 7th, I will be presenting with ISSTD’s Past President Lynette Danylchuk (relation!) at the Regional Conference in Scottsdale Arizona. In this training my dear mom and I will share what we have learned through the most challenging moments of our combined 50 years of clinical experience. We’ll share what we’ve learned from the past, what helps us stay embodied and connected in the present, and the pathways we see towards creating a healthy future together. I’d love to see you there and meet in person!

Only a few weeks later we have a virtual offering for those of us wanting to remain close to home and gather online. Our Fall Virtual Conference begins October 22nd and features Dan Shaw and Shekhar Seshadri, who will discuss assessing, treating, and fostering healing for folks dealing with complex trauma and dissociation. The conference includes these plenaries , along with a mix of 90 minute and 3-hour workshops. Early bird rates run through September 15th!

We’ll wrap up the year’s educational offerings in Australia at the Melbourne Regional Conference. We begin on Friday November 11th with a series of pre-conference workshops, then move onto the core conference on Saturday with plenary workshops from ISSTD Past President Colin Ross, Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts, Kyllie Cripps and Warwick Middleton. On Sunday we’ll wrap with workshops (one hosted by yours truly on offering yoga for trauma recovery with youth) and a panel moderated by Michael Salter. I look forward to connecting with those of you in Australia, New Zealand, and beyond this November!

As a valued part of the ISSTD community, I invite you to join any & all of these events! Education is the backbone of this organization, and we are grateful to be able to host these professional gatherings connecting clinicians, researchers, and advocates for healing across the fields of complex trauma and dissociation.

Warmest wishes,
Lisa Danylchuk, M.Ed. LMFT
ISSTD 2022 President