Volunteer Opportunity Spotlight

Volunteer to make a difference! ISSTD News looking for a little help

This month’s Volunteer Position Spotlight shines on an opportunity to become more involved with ISSTD News by coordinating the quarterly Publications of Interest column.

Coordinator: Publications of Interest

Publications of Interest is a quarterly feature, currently published in March, June, September and December. Each edition features a compilation of recent articles, often around a topic of interest.

This role does not require you to critique or summarise any articles, simply post details of title, abstract, and a link for members to access them.

It’s a quick and simple task and if you like finding and reading new articles in the field than this is the spot for you. If you are interested in previous POI articles to see what’s involved, click the link here.

If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity or if it sounds like something you would be interested in being part of, please email to express your interest.

We welcome all members to apply. We would love to hear from you!