Clinical E-Journal

Update on Launch of Clinical E-Journal

Over the past several years the ISSTD has been working to instigate the development and publication of an E-Journal that would specifically target the treatment of complex trauma and dissociative disorders. This publication would complement the Society’s other Journal, the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, which has a more empirical-focus. The development of the E-Journal has required the involvement of many different individuals within ISSTD and some outside it, and most recently has been moved forward by the ‘E-Journal Task Force’, whose members were Victor Welzant, Christa Krϋger, Warwick Middleton, Michael Salter and Vedat Şar. With the approval of ISSTD’s Executive Committee and Board, the Task Force has recently appointed Steve Frankel, PhD, JD and Andreas Laddis, MD to the position of co-editors, and we could not have hoped for a better leadership team. This is a new and exciting frontier for ISSTD and its members, and members now have the opportunity to get involved in the E-Journal by not only developing papers for potential publication, but also by offering financial sponsorship to ensure the success of this endeavour. The Board and Task Force have developed ideas for how the E-Journal could generate the modest financial backing needed to cover publication costs and sustain its running. More information will be provided about this as the co-editors move forward with their work of developing the foundations and setting sights on the first edition. This is another milestone for our Society sure to enrich us all and provide the most cutting-edge treatment knowledge to assist our patients/clients.