Letter From The President

The ISSTD Board and Other Leadership Opportunities

ISSTD is a volunteer-sustained society with opportunities for a wide variety of leadership and functional roles. The ISSTD Board of Directors is a prime example of how our members bring a diversity of talents and skills to bear on the administration of our society. The Board develops and oversees the Strategic Plan, which is a three-year plan covering seven areas of ISSTD’s operation. Board members, during their three-year terms, are concerned with monitoring, refining and facilitating the Strategic Plan’s goals and objectives, as well as ensuring the financial and governance well-being of the society. Each Board member is involved in several of our committees, usually in a leadership role. They also participate in ad hoc committees formed for specific and typically short-term functions, such as the Audit Committee, Board working groups, treatment guidelines revisions, nominating committees, and Code of Conduct reviews. Board members are concerned with the overall governance of the society and keep tabs on the “pulse” of the society to maintain its values and focus. All the ISSTD functions and interest areas have volunteer needs, so please consider finding where your interests lie and participating in the running of your society.

Peter A. Maves, President