The Goodwin Fund was created in the name of Jean Goodwin. Jean Goodwin is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst specializing in the treatment of patients suffering from the consequences of sexual abuse, incest and family violence. A co-founder of the Houston Galveston Trauma Institute, Dr. Goodwin is currently a faculty member of the Houston Galveston Psychoanalytic Institute and Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. The background story is that Jean was treating someone for complex trauma and dissociation and the person was very upset that there were, and are, so few resources and competent therapists in this area, that they felt something needed to be done about it. Jean was one of the few therapists who specialized in complex trauma and dissociation. The funder saw the great need to train more therapists so that they could become competent in the treatment of trauma and dissociation.
One of the most significant aspects of this fund is that it is intended to go to those who otherwise would not be able to afford to take our training. We received an initial donation of around $10,000.00 and this amount has been added to several more times. There is now a significant amount of money available for distribution. The Goodwin Educational Fund was created to defray the cost of training activity offered through ISSTD for ISSTD Members who would otherwise be unable to obtain appropriate instruction in the treatment of complex trauma and dissociation. The main reasons are financial ones. Individuals who are in other countries, people who are working in regions with particularly high cost of living, and those who work in low paying not-for-profit organizations are all excellent examples of individuals who would qualify for the fund.
Rather than supplement the professional development budget of Members, this fund is intended to support those who are truly under-privileged or disadvantaged. We have been able to give out ten awards so far. There are two separate application dates annually. One in August and one in January. The intent is to assist in our Professional Training Programs (PTP) and the other is offered at a time to assist with the annual conference. This year the Goodwin Fund was able to support five individuals from several different countries, including Africa. The Goodwin Fund Committee is eager to promote this fund so that we are able to support individuals who may never get the opportunity to learn the valuable skills of working with severely traumatized humans. Our next round of applications will be taking place in July and awarded in August. Keep an eye out in ISSTD News and on the ISSTD Website for more information.