We would like to extend a huge thank you to all of our many volunteers from 2022. Volunteers are what keep ISSTD running, and all volunteers are invaluable – no matter how large or small the volunteer opportunity is. From SIG and ROC Leadership, Conference Committees, Communications & Marketing Committee, small projects, conference reviewers, Conference Ambassadors, our Board of Directors, and beyond. Without all of your help throughout the year, our many programs, educational offerings, conferences and events would not be possible. Please know that your help, time, and effort are all appreciated and without which, this organization cannot run.
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month and we will be highlighting our many volunteers who help run this organization more at that time. Looking to get involved and volunteer? From a few hours on a small project, to joining a committee, we have many different volunteer opportunities. Contact membership@isst-d.org today to learn more!