The TAY/ Emerging Adult SIG is a special interest group for members of ISSTD who are interested in the treatment of complex trauma in Transitional Age Youth (TAY), generally defined as clients between 18 to 24 years old. This group has specific developmental needs, as brains are still developing and they are working to understand the norms and responsibilities of “adulting,” which is a challenge under any circumstances.
This is also the age range where most mental health symptoms appear. Coupled with trauma stemming from issues including substance abuse, homelessness, incarceration and domestic violence it is often difficult to engage with the TAY clients who are most in need of support, to establish the rapport necessary to tease out the impact of multiple intersecting factors.
The TAY SIG launched last year and continues to grow. We have a small, but growing discussion group on ISSTDWorld. This is a place where we can connect, support each other and share information. The TAY SIG continues to discuss a variety of issues on an ongoing basis, including engagement, presentation of symptoms and diagnoses, and treatment considerations. Our members include clinicians who specialize in TAY, to those whose work has shown them the unique needs of this group, to those who are curious about how complex trauma and dissociation intersect with this stage of development.
In addition, we have several projects in the works for 2020, including an ISST-D webinar in April. This 90-minute webinar will have three speakers and ample time for questions. I will be presenting on introducing the specific developmental needs of TAY and how that intersects with the treatment of complex trauma and dissociation. Kate McMaugh will be presenting on the impact of the internet and social media on trauma and dissociation symptoms for this age group, and Regina Cantrell-Kinzfogl will present on the specifics around working with TAY managing dissociation in a community-based clinical setting. To learn more about ISSTD Webinars, or to purchase a webinar please click here.
In addition, I will be giving an all-day pre-conference workshop at the March 2020 ISSTD Annual Conference in San Francisco. This training will focus on the intricacies of working with TAY who have dissociative disorders, and a portion of the training will focus on TAY from LGBTQQIT-S communities.
If you have any questions or would like to join ISST-D’s Transitional Age Youth Special Interest Group, please contact Catherine Keech: katiekeechmft@gmail.com