All articles requesting research participation must be approved by the ISSTD Board prior to posting. This proposal was approved by the ISSTD Board in June 2020.

ISSTD Student member Graham Pringle is seeking Australian participants for his PhD project.
‘Adventure therapy as a treatment for adolescents with complex trauma’ combines best practice from both the complex trauma treatment and adventure therapy fields. There is no existing theory informing adventure therapy practice in the service of complex adolescents. The literature has been reviewed in detail and a proposed theory has been constructed. Interviews will now provide criticism, advice, and detail for the proposed theory.
Interviews will involve 12 ISSTD members, 12 adventure therapy practitioners and academics and 12 young people aged 15-21 years. Only Australian ISSTD members will be interviewed for best practice in complex trauma treatment component. Of the 12 participants six will be practitioners/clinicians and six will be academics/researchers.
The interviews will be via skype or telephone and could last up to one hour. A powerpoint presentation/pdf of the project will be included so that participants can comment on the proposed theory.
All participants will receive a $30 gift card for this opportunity to revel in treatment detail which will guide adventure therapy practice.
If this opportunity excites you please fill out the form.
Questions and ideas can be addressed to Graham:
Non Australian ISSTD members are welcome to contribute thoughts and ideas for the background material via email discussion.