The ISSTD Scientific Committee was established in 2012. After accumulated experience of working together over years, the composition of the Committee has been revised this year to include clinicians and theoreticians, alongside researchers. The Committee is currently working on a Strategic Plan for the upcoming years. Although the plan has not been finalized yet, presenting its outline here for ISSTD membership would provide some light to possible goals. Namely, we have defined five strategic targets as described below:
Direct production of scientific output: Writing comprehensive edited books by some of the committee members; a special issue for Journal of Trauma and Dissociation; preparation of educational materials, webinars, and an edited book on a narrower topic (e.g. the demographics of dissociative phenomena/disorders).
Supporting all the society’s scientific endeavours and initiatives: Integration of the Committee’s strategic thinking into ISSTD’s Strategic Plan; establishment of better contact with the Board; more involvement with conference organization; assisting/ contributing to Continuing Education credit decisions (e.g., prior to annual conference); having representation in some strategic committees (e.g., the Annual Conference Committee, Annual Awards Committee); reviewing the research policy of ISSTD; taking on the task of evaluating research recruitment requests as requested by the Board; and proposing symposia for ISSTD conferences.
Revising the committee rules: Consider adopting a future leadership structure plan of Chair-elect (for 1-2 years) – then Chair (for 1-2 years) – then Past Chair (for 1-2 years), such as is used by several other committees and SIGs in ISSTD, work towards increasing diversity in the committee, also in its leadership, to facilitate membership growth in ISSTD as a whole, arranging quarterly or bi-annual SC zoom meetings, similar to other committees, holding a yearly face to face meeting (full day).
Involving a broader circle to research: Establishing a research SIG, webinars: research fund activities, a ‘research month’ in ISSTD’s calendar, sponsoring symposia/panels in conferences other than those of ISSTD, an updated overview of the field, like the Dissociation Book by Paul Dell and John O’Neil, systematic research of a certain issue, like psychotherapy outcomes.
The Committee will continue with online meetings to finalize this outline.