We are looking for volunteers to take part in an online study of the role of life experiences
(e.g., supportive family, feeling loved, being punished or abused, experiencing trauma) on
personality, relationships, and mental wellbeing.
We are looking for adults aged 18 years or older who are fluent in English and do not have a
physical brain injury or disorder (e.g., dementia).
As a participant in the study, you would be asked to do online questionnaires lasting up to 50 minutes, at your convenience. You can complete the questionnaires anytime, taking breaks, and coming back later while the study is running. For completing the survey, you will be offered a chance to be entered into a drawing for one £25 Amazon gift card (out of 20 cards available).

For more information or to volunteer for this study, please use the QR code, go to the study website or email Haline Schenden, Trainee Counseling Psychologist: haline.schendan@city.ac.uk or Tanya Lecchi, Department of Psychology: tanya.lecchi@city.ac.uk.
Department of Psychology
City, University of London
This study has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through the Psychology Ethics Committee, City, University of London.
If you would like to complain about any aspect of the study, please contact the Secretary to the
Senate Research Ethics Committee on 020 7040 3040 or via email: Anna.Ramberg.1@city.ac.uk
City, University of London is the data controller for the personal data collected for this research
project. If you have any data protection concerns about this research project, please contact City’s
Information Compliance Team at dataprotection@city.ac.uk
Please Note: All articles requesting research participation must be approved by the ISSTD Scientific Committee prior to posting. This proposal has been approved by the ISSTD Scientific Committee in June 2023.