Belmont Hospital/Cannan Institute Bi-National Conference, in collaboration with the ISSTD: 18th-19th March 2017, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Southbank, Brisbane Following on from the successful ISSTD Bi-National Australian/New Zealand Regional Conference held in November 2015 which attracted 386 attendees, registrations remain open for “Twenty Years On: Engaging with Complex Trauma: Lessons, Challenges and Opportunities”, 18-19th […]
Partner News
ISTSS 33rd Annual Meeting Abstract Submissions are Open!
Submissions Accepted: February 7 – March 21, 2017 The 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), Trauma and Complexity: From Self to Cells, , will be held November 9-11, 2017, at the Palmer House Hilton, in Chicago, Illinois, USA. You can find the Abstract Submission Guidelines and Sample Abstract Guidelines […]
Welcome to Our New Members
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS Sarah Anticich Nadine Baker Rayna Bertolucci Gayitri Bhatt Mandy Bostwick Lana Brown Gillian Clissold Jolanda Cook Marc Cottrell Susan Couch Tamika Curry Marissa Curtis Paula Eagle Debbie Fillion Mirisse Foroughe Ilene Gaffin Vittoria Grant Christina Hall Hollie Hannan Lynn Hazard Michelle Kamla Debra L. Kaplan Kaia Kastepõld-Tõrs Sarabeth Kossove Kristina Leonard Barbara Lewison Kathia […]
Trauma & Dissociation in the News
Statement From ISSTD Regarding Executive Order banning foreign travel from select countries
The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) is a global community of mental health practitioners, researchers and teachers whose members are spread throughout the world and have diverse social, cultural and religious perspectives and backgrounds. The ISSTD has grave concerns about the recent Executive Order in the United States banning immigration […]
Letter From The President
January 2017 President’s Letter
Dear ISSTD colleagues, It is my great pleasure to welcome you to not only our first newsletter of 2017, but our first newsletter in a blog format. It shows the ongoing developments within ISSTD as we work to provide up-to-date information on multiple social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter), through annual and regional conferences along […]
2017 Annual Conference
Early Bird Registration Ends Soon: Don’t Miss the Discount – Register Today!
The New Year is upon us and January has nearly run its course. With the end of January comes the end of early bird registration for the 2017 ISSTD Annual International Conference on Trauma and Dissociation. This year’s conference centers around the theme: The Ripple Effect: Trauma and Dissociation in the Mainstream. January 31st is […]
Trauma & Dissociation in the News
ISSTD Statement on the Movie “Split”
Last weekend marked the debut of M Night Shyamalan’s new thriller “Split”, about a deranged individual with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) who abducts and terrorizes three young women. With respect to Mr. Shyamalan’s ability to write and direct truly frightening movies, depicting individuals with this, or any other mental disorder, does a disservice to his artistic […]
Letter From The President
A Baker’s Dozen: New Things Your Society Is Doing
By Warwick, President, ISSTD A lot is happening in our Society. The ISSTD is about to launch its Clinical E-Journal, “Frontiers in the Psychotherapy of Trauma and Dissociation”, edited by Andreas Laddis and Steve Frankel. (Prof Martin Dorahy has chaired the E-Journal Task Force that has initially steered this development.) The ISSTD Regional Seminar, “Treating […]
Board Briefs
Fall 2016 Board Briefs
Paula Thomson, PhD, ISSTD Board Member Your board of directors is actively exploring ways to share the multiple gifts provided by your wonderful organization. Monthly meetings address the governance and mission of the organization, coupled with plans to expand education and research related to complex trauma and dissociation. Some of the activity highlights from your […]
Members Clinical Corner
Measuring Trauma: Considerations for assessing complex and non-PTSD criterion for childhood trauma
In the “tradition” of having tested this format once before, this column presents three brief commentaries on the same article of the JTD. I am pleased to notice that the three commentaries are from different, even opposite angles. Happy reading! Pam Stavropoulos Editor Focus article: McDonald, M.K., Brontrager, C.F. & Rostad, W. (2014) Measuring Trauma: […]