Volume 3 of Ellert Nijenhuis’s Trinity of Trauma Now Available World renowned trauma expert and ISSTD member, Ellert Nijenhuis completes his epic three volume “Trinity of Trauma” with volume three: The Trinity of Trauma: Ignorance, Fragility, and Control, Part III: Enactive Trauma Therapy. This recently released book provides the treatment focus to the trinity and […]
International Spotlight
ISSTD Spotlight on Australia
Of all current Australian members of the ISSTD, when I last checked, it seemed that I had been a continuous Society member for longer than anyone else bar one, which does tend to position one as an active participant in the field in this country, before there really was one. Whilst there had been the […]
Letter From The President
Fishing and Begging in the Service of ISSTD
As a younger ISSTD member I fondly remember reading the president’s reports written by Rich Chefetz. Each edition of the newsletter would start with Rich’s piece, that often took us readers on a fishing expedition with him. He used to take us through the trip, helping us understand the art of fishing and the tactics […]
Welcome ISSTD New Members – October 2017
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS Susan Adams Laura Ballard Cassandra Bransford Todd Coryell Noula Diamontopoulos Heather Hruby Amy Huddleston Cathy Kezelman Veronica Mollere Jennifer Raymond Rachel Thomas EMERGING PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS Sophie Fink Natile Hung Kristi Lynne Koerner Brooke Lopes Andrea Scudder Paula Soto STUDENT MEMBERS Jennifer Cochran Cassandra Colbert Christine Hill Liz Ornelas Michelle Saelin Lee-Anne Woznak
Annual Awards
2018 ISSTD Awards to Honor Your Colleague’s Efforts
The time is upon us to honor those amongst us who have taken their energy and invested it in the creation of a gift for the rest of us: a work of literature, visual arts, a work from the heart. Each year some people have the temerity to believe that others might be interested in […]
Trauma & Dissociation in the News
Intimate Partner Violence: A Dissociative Family Dance
As part of Acknowledging Domestic Violence Awareness Month Alison Miller writes about dissociative processes in Intimate partner violence. During the years when I worked primarily with families, I frequently encountered intimate partner violence (IPV). I remember a man who told me he had watched himself chase his wife around a tree with an axe, just […]
Trauma & Dissociation in the News
Love Shouldn’t Hurt and the TwoGood Project
With October being DV Awareness month in the US, we felt it was timely to focus ISSTD News on issues of Domestic Violence. In Australia, while it is not DV Awareness Month, media attention and focus is increasing prior to their main awareness raising campaign in November. New ISSTD member Noula Diamantopoulos is a psychotherapist […]
2018 Board of Directors Elections
Elections for the 2018 Board of Directors close on November 17, 2017. These are the Board-approved candidates for the vacancies: President Elect: Christine Forner, BA, BSW, MSW, Registered Social Worker Director Member: Lisa Danylchuk, EdM, MFT, ERYT Dana Ross, MD Michael Salter, PhD For more information about candidates click here. In addition to the candidates […]
Regional Conferences
Baltimore Regional Conference: A Great Success! Recordings Available!
On Saturday, October 21, 2017, ISSTD, in partnership with Sheppard Pratt Health System, Towson University, and the TOP DD Study, hosted a one day Regional Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. More than 100 therapists and 15 students and trainees from across the United States gathered to hear conference speakers which included Bethany Brand, Richard Chefetz, Kathy Steele, […]
Community Spotlight
Spotlight on the Marketing Committee
The ISSTD Marketing Committee has a dual purpose – to promote ISSTD both ‘outwards’ and ‘inwards’. By promoting ‘outwards’ it has a mission to promote ISSTD as the premier place to learn about the phenomenology, diagnosis and treatment of Complex Trauma and Dissociation, and finding ways to increase ISSTD membership and income streams. It also […]