The online Conference Program for the ISSTD 35th Annual Conference is now available! Take a look at all of the amazing training opportunities and register to join us in Chicago in March! To view the complete online program, click here! For more information on Pre-Conference Workshops, Chicago attractions, and hotel and travel information, take a […]
Publications of Interest
Publications of Interest
Dear Colleagues This quarter our Publications of Interest focuses on the role of shame in trauma and dissociation. Within this broad theme we bring you six articles which we hope you will find interesting. You may notice, I am not the POI Editor. We are still looking for a new POI Editor. So, if you […]
Trauma & Dissociation in the News
35th Meeting of the Interpol Specialists Group on Crimes Against Children – Lyon, France 13-17 Nov 2017
I recently attended the annual meeting of the Interpol working group on crimes against children, which brings together police, non-government organisations and others from around the world to share their experience and developments in the prevention, investigation, prosecution and management of child abuse. The efforts of the Specialists Group have increasingly turned to online child […]
Volunteer Spotlight
Volunteer Spotlight
Tell us a bit about yourself I think I have been a wanderer, though not lost. I took many backdoor routes on this journey of learning, exploring and working with Trauma and Dissociation. I got my first exposure to the realm of trauma and dissociation through personal experience. Then later, as a student psychiatric nurse […]
Letter From The President
Reflections and Transistions
Endings bring the opportunity for reflection, and as 2017 moves to an end, we may each begin to reflect on events and changes over the past 12 months in the world, in our own private and professional lives, and in the ISSTD. At the full day, in person meeting in March, the Board adopted the […]
Welcome ISSTD New Members – November 2017
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS Ms. Jennifer Lois Barbieri Jessica Campbell Jean S Cannon Dr. Irina V Diyankova Holli Richey Mark Sideman Rebecca Szymanski, MA Dr. Rhett K Brandt Ms. Alexis K Brown Dr. Nicole D. Christiansen, MD Dr. Rebecca Ann Golding Alison Hernandez Mrs. Jillian Hosey MAYOLA MIRANDA Sandi Plant Dr. Susan Pollard Edith Resnik Ms. Eleanor […]
Board Briefs
The Latest News from Your Board
As a first-term board member, I have been amazed at all the goings on behind the scenes. The ISSTD Board is a busy group of people who meet every month for 90 minutes, to oversee the activities of the Society and drive many projects to help our Society grow and develop. This quarter has been […]
Trauma & Dissociation in the News
Trauma, Memory and Human Dignity
The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) is the oldest organization supporting and educating therapists, researchers, and other professionals in dealing with complex psychological trauma in the world. Over the last century, the subject of psychological trauma, especially in the form of child abuse and neglect, and the sequelae on its […]
Community Spotlight
Professional Training Program
Professional Training Program Leadership Reflects on its Past and Paints an Exciting Picture for Future Training in ISSTD Back in 2000, our Society’s then president, John Curtis, MD, initiated the “Education 2000” project, in an effort to broaden the education mandate of the ISSTD (then the ISSD). Elizabeth Bowman, MD generously donated her curriculum for […]
2018 Annual Conference
Annual Conference Update – Plenary Speakers
For those of you able to attend the upcoming annual ISST-D conference in Chicago, Illinois, March 24-26, you are in for a real treat with respect to our plenary speakers. With Robert Neimeyer, Ph.D., Edward Tick, Ph.D., and Donna Hicks, Ph.D., we will explore death, grief and trauma (Neimeyer), warrior trauma, moral injury and the […]