Psychosis Trauma and Dissociation: Revised second edition now available Psychosis Trauma and Dissociation: Evolving Perspectives on Severe Psychopathology is a key text in the field, exploring the complex interface between psychosis, trauma and dissociation. The original edition, no doubt one many of us have on our bookshelves, is now over ten years old and the editors Andrew Moskowitz, Martin Dorahy and Ingo Schafer have updated and expanded the text in this second edition, released this month. The editors, leaders in the field and prominent members of ISSTD and ESTD, have collaborated with more than fifty other experts from around the world, to explore historical, empirical, theoretical and clinical perspectives. The second edition is a testament to the considerable gains and expanding knowledge in the field since the first edition was published in 2008. The book is divided into three broad parts: Historical and Conceptual Perspectives, Research Perspectives and Clinical Perspectives, each containing eight to ten thoughtful and scholarly chapters, including nine new chapters. Many ISSTD Members feature as authors of the chapters including Onno van der Hart, Warwick Middleton, Elizabeth Howell, Colin Ross, Vedat Şar, Bethany Brand, Marlene Steinberg, Ruth Blizard, Valerie Sinason and more, making this another worthy inclusion into our News You Can Use update. The revised edition is now available for purchase at Wiley Books and Amazon. Remember to use your Amazon Smiles to raise money for ISSTD! A trauma informed approach to mental health care in Australia Humanising Mental Health Care in Australia: A Guide to Trauma-informed Approaches has just been published by Routledge. This impressive collection of writings, edited by Australian clinicians Richard Benjamin, Joan Haliburn, Serena King promises to be significant, not just for Australia, but for others around the world. It outlines the trauma-informed approaches necessary to provide a more compassionate model of care for those who experience a mental illness. The comprehensive book is divided into four parts:
- theory, constructs and effects of abuse and trauma;
- the effects of abuse and trauma on specific populations;
- therapy approaches; and
- broader organisational perspectives.
Many members of ISSTD have been instrumental in the development of the book. One of the editorial team, Joan Haliburn has been an active member of ISSTD for many years, including serving on our Board and co-chairing our Bookclub. To highlight just a few chapters written by ISSTD members:
- President of the Blue Knot Foundation Cathy Kezelman: Childhood Trauma – The Long-Term Impact and the Human Cost
- ISSTD Fellow and Past President Warwick Middleton: Incest That Continues into Adult Life
- ISSTD Fellows Christine A Courtois and Julian D Ford: Sequenced Relationship-Based Treatment for Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders
- Joan Haliburn: Trauma-Informed Psychodynamic Psychotherapy – A Brief History and Contemporary Application
- Head of Research at the Blue Knot Foundation, Pam Stavropoulos: The Principles of Trauma-Informed Care and The Need for Cultural and Organisational Change
- Australian researcher Mary-Anne Kate and former ISSTD President Martin Dorahy co-author a chapter entitled: Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Developmental Trauma Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and the Dissociative Disorders
The book has been well-received by experts in child trauma with Dr Peggy Brown, AO and former CEO of the National Mental Health Commission stating that:
“Every mental health clinician and health policy maker and administrator in the country should read Humanising Mental Health Care in Australia … No matter what your background, if you are interested in how to improve the delivery of compassionate mental health care, I guarantee you will find true `pearls of wisdom’ in this book.”
And the Peter McClellan, AM, QC, well respected for his role as Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, further endorses the book:
“The learning from this book will also enable others to develop a greater understanding of the appropriate approach to the treatment of people suffering complex trauma.”
The book is available here.
The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation is pleased to provide advanced notice of the David Caul Graduate Research Grant. This grant is designed to support research that is primarily concerned with dissociation or closely related topics. Graduate students (in a Masters, PsyD, or PhD program) and undergraduate honors students are eligible to apply for grants up to $1500. Postdocs are not eligible for the Caul award. Please note that grants for projects less than $1500 are also encouraged.
Application materials will be available through the grant webpage from April 15 to May 20, 2019. Further information will be provided before the submission window opens. Enquiries can be directed to: Dr. Judith Daniels (j.k.daniels@rug.nl).
Welcome ISSTD’s New Members in March!
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS Gella Asovski Brenda Beardsley Maria Paola Boldrini Therese Byrne Ermanno Carrara Malia Gallegos Suzanne Garber Temperance Johnson Shelley Jordan Lily Kim Adam Meiselman Lisa Morris Barton Sloan Elise St Andre Frank Bellaiche Caitlin Buon Kay Johnson HeaKyung Kwon Timothy Latsko Ashley Macpherson Daniel Smith Annie Southern Heather Whittall Olga Winkler | EMERGING PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS Patricia Adams Anna Exckhardt Katherine Forbes-Pitt Jillian Kuhn Jayme Wise Eitan Zerykier Jessica Attas Naomi Azar Mark Blockus Patricia Dallacroce Stephanie Mitchell J Righter Karen Williams STUDENT MEMBERS Linda Giammona Jennifer Howells Mary Montelongo Ryan Strosser Sowmya Yeturo Olga Klepackova Sarinda Newell Kelly Pattison |
Do You Have News ISSTD Members Can Use? We need your help to make NYCU a great feature, full of news and sharing the activities of our community members. Do you have a book or book chapter coming out that you wish to share? Have you received an award for your work in the field? Have you been part of developing a new website or training course? Have you had a chance to develop something creative and unique that you wish to share with others in the field? If so, we want to hear from you! Don’t be shy, submit your news to us so that we can share with other members. (Please be aware: we do not offer book reviews, but a chance to share with others that your book has been published.) Submission Deadline: 20th of the month Send to ISSTD Editor, Kate McMaugh: katemcmaughpsychology@gmail.com