Donations to the ISSTD General Fund are crucial to ISSTD. The General Fund is designed to provide funding to expand ISSTD programming including training and education, research and member benefits. In recent years, money raised from the general fund has been used to introduce new technology platforms, grow online training offerings, expand student and emerging professional membership, and much more!

With the implementation of our new membership management system at the end of 2022, we are now able to accept “recurring donations” – much like your online subscriptions such as Netflix and more. Those who donate to ISSTD General Fund $15 or more on a monthly basis are now a part of the ISSTD Mosaic Society, the name chosen from our naming contest.
ISSTD and The Mosaic Society honors these donors by passing out DID Awareness “mosaic” ribbon pins to wear at ISSTD events and the Annual Conference.
Thank you to our current Mosaic Society Members!
Nicole Black
Jonathan Cleveland
Coral Compagnoni
Lawrence Compagnoni
D Michael Coy
Mary Pat Hanlin
Jillian Hosey
Susan S. Hykes
Sheldon Itzkowitz
Kathia Lopez Murdock
Peter Maves
Michael Salter
Barbara Shaya
Valerie Sinason
Eva Young
Tally Trip
Cheri Yadon