Community Spotlight

Certificate Committee

Participants receiving the Certificate at the 2018 ISSTD Annual Conference in Chicago, IL

ISSTD’s Certificate Program began in 2012. Paul Dell created a document outlining the Core Areas of Knowledge for professionals working with people with complex trauma and dissociation issues. A Certificate from ISSTD’s Center for Advanced Studies in Trauma and Dissociation is the gold standard in trauma education. It reflects the standards of ISSTD, the oldest professional organization that is dedicated to the understanding and treatment of severely traumatized people. Clients presenting with complex PTSD and dissociative disorders present a unique challenge to the clinician and the researcher. The goal of the Certificate Program is to increase the professional’s level of knowledge and competence in the Core Areas of Knowledge. The Core Areas cover subjects at a graduate level, and people are encouraged to look through the Areas, highlight those in which they have had the least exposure, and take courses in those areas, resulting in a self-directed course of study. Certificate credits are given for Annual Conferences, Webinars, and PTP courses – and yes, you get credit for teaching any of those. Credits represent hours of study and are updated at Headquarters twice a year. Seventy-two credits are needed for a Certificate, and 100 for the Advanced Certificate (28 additional credits added to your first 72). The easiest way to get the credits is to take the PTP (Professional Training Program) courses, newly revised this year – The Complexity of Complex Trauma, 1 & 2, and From Complex Trauma to Dissociation, 1 & 2.

Logan Larson receiving her Advanced Certificate at the 2018 ISSTD Annual Conference in Chicago, IL

This year, the PTP has run twelve courses, with close to 200 students, and the goal is to increase that number next year, with courses offered in person, online, and through teleseminars. There are already two teleseminars and one online class that will start in January. Registration for these upcoming courses can be found here on the ISSTD Training Calendar. To date, 21 people have been awarded the Certificate and 19 people have been a warded the Advanced Certificate. We are currently tracking credits for 1,215 individuals. It would be my pleasure to see you on stage receiving your Certificate, so start accumulating those credits and add to your knowledge and expertise in treating the people who come to you for help.