Category: Kid’s Korner

Kid's Korner

Child-Focused Clinicians Work with Trauma Across the Lifespan

When left untreated, traumatized children may become traumatized adults, who become traumatized parents caring for traumatized children. Traumatized children are the foundation (but not the cause!) of intergenerational trauma. So, where do we break this cycle?  Anywhere.  Working with traumatized children often means working with whoever walks the child through the door: parents, grandparents, other […]

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Kid's Korner

The Flash Technique for Dissociative Children

Over the course of several months, training notices for the Flash Technique (Manfield et al., 2016) arrived in my email several times, before curiosity compelled me to attend the online training in February 2020. I was instantaneously hooked and began using it with my child clients. The advanced online trainings in June 2020 and March […]

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Kid's Korner

Proposal to the Field: Fourth Phase in Treatment of Dissociation Protocol

In the field of complex trauma and dissociative disorders we are accustomed to conceptualizing our work through the lens of a three-phase treatment model which includes: safety and stabilization, processing of traumatic memories and integration/new life as one integrated self. However, in my clinical practice I have found it useful to conceptualize the treatment as […]

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Kid's Korner

Therapy with Dissociated Youth, Using the STAR Model

Treating dissociation at times can feel like groping around in the dark. We know we are in the right ballpark, but every session can be an act of straining to interpret and understand what is being presented. Ever since I started doing treatment and parenting as a therapeutic foster parent, I wanted desperately to have […]

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Kid's Korner

Reading the Child Within: How Bibliotherapy can Help the Victim of Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is an extensive health problem in the United States (U.S.) and leads to a variety of serious mental and physical health issues throughout the lifetime of the individual (Townsend & Rheingold, 2013). Short and long term consequences include exacerbation of autoimmune diseases, labile affect, dissociation, mood dysregulation, poor self-esteem, and problems related […]

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Kid's Korner

Squeaks, Nuzzles, Tail Wags, Woofs, and Whinnies: An Experiential Glimpse into Animal/Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy/Play Therapy

“Oik, Oik, Oik,” Emmett, the Guinea Pig, squeaks with delight as one of his favorite child-clients enters the therapy room. He nuzzles on her lap to keep her grounded as she processes a traumatic memory through the EMDR Standard Protocol. In another session, Emmett is tenderly laid in the baby buggy and gently pushed around […]

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