Category: Clinical Reflections

Clinical Reflections

Processing Trauma: Moving Beyond Memories

Processing trauma has become an essential aspect of psychotherapy as providers find the ubiquity of traumatized people in their practices. So-called trauma resolution therapies have also become important elements of therapists’ toolboxes, e.g. EMDR among others. But what does resolution of traumatic experiences really mean? Experience treating complex trauma strongly suggests that trauma processing means […]

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Clinical Reflections

Shame, energy, and holding contrasts: Moving from “Do it!” to “We can do it”

Introduction When considering shame as a consequence of relational trauma (Schore, 2001), therapists often think in terms of beliefs, implicit and/or explicit, about self in relation to others. These might include such beliefs as “I am… inferior, defective, damaged, worthless, unwanted, unlovable, etc.” Traumatic, shame states, or shame states for short (Benau, 2022; Herman, 2006, […]

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Clinical Reflections

Co-occurring Autism and trauma, Posttraumatic Stress and Dissociation

The ISSTD is a leader in advocating for and working towards better recognition and treatment of trauma and dissociation, including in marginalized and historically under-served populations. With this mission in mind, a group of members came together last year to improve recognition and treatment of trauma and dissociation in individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Now, the […]

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Clinical Reflections

Birth Trauma, Obstetric Violence and Birth Rape

Trigger warning – some of the information in this article may be distressing for people who have experienced or witnessed obstetric violence and other forms of birth trauma. Birthing is one of the most compelling life events for a woman, her family, and the generations to come. Birthing is an experience that women embody for […]

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Clinical Reflections

A Multi-Modal Integrative Approach in Treatment of Children with Complex Trauma & Dissociation

This article will describe a multi-modal and integrative approach combining Art and Animal-Assisted Activities/Interventions, EMDR Phase 2 resourcing, (Shapiro, 1995), The Flash Technique, (Manfield et al., 2016), and Play Therapy with children who have Complex Trauma/Dissociation throughout the Four Phases of Treatment. Many of the techniques can be adapted for use in all phases and […]

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Clinical Reflections

Announcing a New Clinical Reflections Feature

ISSTD News is excited to announce the launch this month of a new feature – a Clinical Reflections column which will be published quarterly. This month we kick off with a fascinating article by Michele Yarberry, in which she describes a playful and creative approach to treatment with a traumatized child. I hope this article […]

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Clinical Reflections

Seeing Ourselves as Our Patients See Us

I was cleaning out my garage, sorting through old boxes when I came across a piece of paper and a humorous, somewhat metaphorical, somewhat stylized account from a patient from over a quarter of a century ago. He had spontaneously produced it, and it was typical of his characteristic humour and its reliance on exaggeration […]

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