ISSTD 39th Annual International Conference
Call for Proposals Open Now!
Submissions Accepted: August 2 – September 15, 2021
The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation is thrilled to announce the Call for Proposals for the 2022 Annual Conference: Post-Traumatic Growth in a Dissociative World! The 2022 Annual Conference will be held March 31 – April 4, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Seattle in Seattle, WA.
The Call for Proposals is open August 2 – September 15, 2021. We invite creative, innovative, and exciting presentations representing all aspects of understanding, researching, and treating intergenerational trauma, complex trauma and dissociative disorders. We encourage solid scientific and clinically grounded presentations.
The 2022 Annual Conference will feature Plenary Addresses from Christine Courtois, PhD, ABPP and Julian Ford, PhD, ABPP, Robert T Muller, PhD, and Lauren Lebois, PhD. Add your name to the stunning list of presenters and don’t miss out on your chance to be a part of this incredible conference!
Please note that there have been updates to the submission requirements, which are reflected on the Submission Guidelines page of the Annual Conference website. The Call for Proposals will not be extended beyond September 15, so make sure to get your submissions in early! All presenters who submit before September 1 will be entered into a drawing for a free year of membership with ISSTD!
Select presentations from this conference will be livestreamed for virtual participation but all presenters must present live in-person in Seattle. No presenters will be streamed in to the conference. If you are not able to present in-person your submission will not be accepted.
Early Bird Registration for the 2022 Annual Conference will open in early December 2021.
Click here to view the Submission Guidelines and access the Submission site!