Regional Online Communities

Asia Regional Online Community Update

The Asia Regional Online Community (ROC) was established in March 2023 with the following mission and scope:

Mission: This group will work to further the understanding of complex trauma and dissociation in Asia.

Scope: To support the creation, discussion and dissemination of knowledge about complex trauma and dissociation in Asia by bringing together the members of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) located in Asia, and to work with ISSTD to support the education and training of clinicians and researchers in Asia.

Initial members were from India, Nepal, Singapore, and Vietnam, though only a small number, about one third, of the ISSTD members from Asia became part of the ROC at that time. Adithy (Chair), Shekhar Seshadri (Chair-Elect), Prathama Raghavan (Secretary), and Sukanya Ray (Moderator) formed the Executive Committee of the ROC. In a meeting held in 2023, the ROC members expressed interest in holding educational programs for the ROC and spreading the word about ISSTD in the region.

In July 2024, Asia ROC and ISSTD Membership Committee hosted a membership interest meeting for mental health professionals, researchers and students from Asia. Shekhar Seshadri presented on the importance of working with trauma and dissociation in the context of Asia. Abigail Percifield (Co-Chair, Membership Committee and ISSTD Vice President) described the member benefits and mentioned the sponsorship program for ISSTD membership. D. Michael Coy (ISSTD President-Elect) brought the mission and vision of ISSTD alive. A few members shared how they had benefited from ISSTD membership. From the attendance (about 125 people attending live) and Q&A, it was evident that professionals were looking for opportunities and resources to learn about working with complex trauma and dissociation. The registrants for the meeting were from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Japan, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, UAE, and USA. Warwick Middleton (Co-Chair, Membership Committee and ISSTD Past President), who has supported the growth of membership in this region for a long time, was there to witness and wish everyone well.

ISSTD members from Asia who are interested in joining Asia ROC can write to the Secretary of the ROC at the email address mentioned here. We request all ISSTD members to support this ROC by inviting colleagues from Asia to join.