The time is upon us to honor those amongst us who have taken their energy and invested it in the creation of a gift for the rest of us: a work of literature, visual arts, a work from the heart. ISSTD Members are invited to submit their nominations in any of the below categories. Please note that updates have been made to the award descriptions. Please review these descriptions carefully to ensure that you are submitting in the correct category.
Winners will be announced at the 2022 Annual Awards Ceremony at the Annual Conference to be held in Louisville, KY USA on April 15, 2022.
DEADLINE: December 15, 2022, 11:59:00 pm Eastern Time
A list of past award winners is available on this page.
Lifetime Achievement Award (Requires two nominations)
The Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest recognition given to an individual or individuals who have contributed substantially to the field of dissociative disorders, complex posttraumatic syndromes, and the ISSTD, for a duration of 15 years or greater. Contributions may include clinical, academic/research, and/or educational work. Nominees must be a current or past member of ISSTD.
Maximum number of times this award can be received by a single recipient: One
Distinguished Achievement Award (Requires two nominations)
The Distinguished Achievement Award is given to individuals who have distinguished themselves through substantial contributions to (1) clinical, academic/research, and/or educational work in the dissociative and/or complex posttraumatic stress disorder field or to (2) ISSTD’s mission and vision. (ISSTD Mission & Vision)
Maximum number of times this award can be received by a single recipient: One
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
The Cornelia B Wilbur Award is given to an individual for outstanding clinical contributions to the assessment and/or treatment of dissociative disorders. Examples are (a) furthering the availability of diagnosis and treatment of dissociative disorders, (b) clinical research in diagnostic or treatment outcomes, (c) advances in diagnostic instruments or diagnostic criteria, or (d) epidemiologic studies in various populations.
Maximum number of times this award can be received by a single recipient: Two
David Caul Award
The David Caul Memorial Award is given for the best published or non-published paper, thesis, or conference presentation written by a resident or trainee in the field of dissociative and/or complex posttraumatic disorders. The article must have been written, published or presented in the last 24 months.
Maximum number of times this award can be received by a single recipient: One
Frank W Putnam Award
This award is given in honor of Frank W Putnam, a gentle and seminal giant in our field, clinician, research scientist, mentor and prolific writer. This award is given for an outstanding book that significantly contributes to our knowledge and understanding in the field of trauma and dissociation. The book must have been published in the last 24 months.
Maximum number of times this award can be received by a single recipient: once every five years.
Media Awards: Audio-Visual & Written
The Media Award is given to an individual or organization for the best-written media (eg books, newspapers) and best audiovisual media (eg films, television, videos) that deal with dissociation and/or trauma. The audio-visual/written piece must have been published or produced in the last 24 months.
Maximum number of times this award can be received by a single recipient: once every five years.
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Given to an individual who has made outstanding cumulative contributions to research in the area of dissociative disorders.
Maximum number of times this award can be received by a single recipient: One
Outstanding Student Award
The Student Award is presented to a trainee (ie undergraduate, graduate, pre-graduate intern or post-graduate resident) for: (a) outstanding service to the Society; (b) an exceptional contribution to or innovation in clinical or service delivery in the field of dissociative disorders; (c) complex post traumatic syndromes; or (d) an exceptional contribution to or innovation in training in the field of dissociative disorders.
Maximum number of times this award can be received by a single recipient: One
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Given to an individual for the best clinical, theoretical or research paper in the field of dissociative and/or trauma within the past year. The paper must have been published in the last 24 months.
Maximum number of times this award can be received by a single recipient: lead writer can receive once every five years
Sandor Ferenczi Award
The Sandor Ferenczi Award is given for the best published work in the realm of psychoanalysis related to trauma and dissociation in adults and/or children. The published work must have been published in the last 24 months.
Maximum number of times this award can be received by a single recipient: the lead writer can receive once every five years
Therese O Clemens Advocacy Award
This award is given in honor of and dedicated to Therese O Clemens who served as the ISSTD Executive Director for nine years, helping to stabilize the organization after financial challenging times and ensure the future of the organization. This award is presented to the lay individual or organization outside of the field of psychiatry or psychotherapy who, through their continuing efforts and dedication, has advanced the Mission and Vision of the ISSTD.
Maximum number of times this award can be received by a single recipient: One
ISSTD Fellow
Fellow status may be awarded to individuals who have been members for five years or more, who have made outstanding contributions to the diagnosis, treatment, research, or education in the dissociative disorders field and to the Society.
A list of current ISSTD Fellows is available on this page.
Please note that nominations for the ISSTD annual awards may only be made by current ISSTD members.
Submissions of all nominations and recommendations must be received by December 15, 2022, 11:59:00 pm Eastern Time.