Regional Conferences

A Conference in Pictures

We caught up with friends

Michael Salter and Maggy Tai Rakena
Naomi Halpern, Martin Dorahy and Warwick Middleton
Warwick Middleton, Lenaire Seager, Cassie Wilson, Lisa Farley and Sally Deakin from Belmont Hospital, Brisbane.

Ceremony was important

We were fortunate to learn more about complex trauma and dissociation, from a fantastic array of speakers

Diane Clare, Committee Chair presented on the APEX model
Presenters Rick Hohfeler and Michael Salter

Social events were very important

Although some people hogged the back seat of the bus!

Christine Forner, Rochelle Sharp-Lohrasbe, Mary-Anne Kate and Lisa Danylchuk enroute to the International Antarctic Centre

And we practiced some new skills. . . like learning to tolerate the cold

And we learned new ways of dancing and singing

Michael Coy with the Kapa Haka Groups

Closing off and saying goodbye

Committee Chair Diane Clare, Closing Remarks