We caught up with friends

Martin Dorahy and Rick Hohfelor, share some ideas over a beer. Michael Salter, Christine Forner, Matt Ball and Rochelle Sharpe-Lohrasbe

Ceremony was important
We connected through Hongi: sharing of mind, sharing of breath Opening speech by Mayor Lianne Dalziel
We were fortunate to learn more about complex trauma and dissociation, from a fantastic array of speakers

Keri with three of our presenters Warwick Middleton, Naomi Halpern and Kathy Steele Martin Dorahy presenting

Social events were very important
Morning tea Catherine Gallagher, Martin Dorahy and Diane Clare, International Antarctic Centre
Although some people hogged the back seat of the bus!

And we practiced some new skills. . . like learning to tolerate the cold
The Blizzard room at The Antarctic Centre Christine Forner and Michael Salter in the Blizzard Room
And we learned new ways of dancing and singing

Closing off and saying goodbye

Christchurch City Mayor Lianne Dalziel and ISSTD President Christine Forner say farewell. Lisa Danylchuk with Canterbury Chief of Police, John Price