For a research project entitled: “Assessment, Diagnosis And Clinical Utility Of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) In Clinical Practice Since The Publication Of The Icd-11 Category In 2019: A Qualitative Analysis Of International Clinician Perspectives”

Jessica Thomson is conducting research in order to fufill her BSc (HONS) Psychology degree requirements at Arden University under the supervision of Senior Lecturer, Marie Chellingsworth.
She is seeking opinionated and skilled trauma specialists, from across with world, to participate in an open-ended survey and provide their subjective experiences and perspectives pertaining to Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) assessment, diagnosis and clinical utility. The entire survey will be completed on a word document sent via email, and should not exceed 30 minutes. All personal information and data will be pseudo-anonymized and kept private and confidential. All participants have the opportunity to withdraw from the study without any reason provided.
Inclusion criteria:
- All participants must be English speaking (first language)
- Licensed psychiatrists/clinical psychologists/trauma therapists/clinicians, with a minimum of 5 years’ experience diagnosing and treating clients with trauma specific mental health disorders.

* No compensation will be provided for participation in this study, however your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
If you are interested in participating or require additional information, please email me at:
Your knowledge and experience would be hugely beneficial to this study.